Christians in Science

CiS is an international network of those concerned with the relationship between science and Christian faith, open to scientists, teachers, students and all those with an interest in this dialogue.

Although CiS is primarily a professional group, aimed at those working in science, a significant proportion of our members are not scientists, and we are happy to welcome into membership anyone with an interest in science and faith.

CiS is an explicitly Christian society and full membership is open only to those who can affirm the declaration below. Corporate bodies such as libraries and individuals who do not wish to make this declaration are welcome to become associate members.

I declare my belief in the triune God as creator and sustainer of the universe, and my faith in Jesus as Saviour, Lord of all and God.

I acknowledge the Bible as the Word of God and its final authority in matters of faith and conduct.

As a steward of God's world, I accept my responsibility to encourage the use of science and technology for the good of humanity and the environment.

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